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H-SC Tiger's Basketball - V Week Fundraiser.  To Honor Dick Vitale and all that have battled cancer photo de profil

H-SC Tiger's Basketball - V Week Fundraiser. To Honor Dick Vitale and all that have battled cancer

Friends of Dick Vitale

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Thank you for visiting our fundraising page! The Hampden-Sydney Basketball Team is participating in V Week on ESPN by holding our own fundraiser for the V Foundation!!
We are excited to honor the man behind the voice of college basketball, Dick Vitale.  We are raising funds to support the Dick Vitale Pediatric Cancer Research Fund at the V Foundation for Cancer Research, an organization committed to declaring Victory Over Cancer®.  By making a donation, you will be supporting carefully vetted, cutting-edge pediatric cancer research at prominent cancer centers nationwide. Will you join us in the fight against cancer by donating today? 

About the V Foundation for Cancer Research

The V Foundation was built on the dream that cancer can be defeated; your gift will help us make that dream a reality. The V Foundation has awarded over $353 million in cancer research grants nationwide, with more than $66 million going toward pediatric cancer research through the Dick Vitale Pediatric Cancer Research Fund. Thank you for helping us fund breakthrough science to identify cancers earlier, develop targeted therapies and save more lives.

We all benefit from this research and the research is working.  Since a peak in 1991, cancer death rates for men and women combined have dropped 33% (  One of the most powerful lines Coach Valvano said was, "it may not save my live, but it may save the life of someone you love!".  Powerful.   We all know a friend, parent or grandparent that has had to battle cancer.