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Tarheel Sports Car Club 15th Annual V Foundation Autocross

Campagne personnelle commanditée par Tarheel Sports Car Club

6 août 2023

Soutenez-moi !

Thank you for visiting the Tarheel Sports Car Club Jimmy V fundraising page! We are back for the first time in over two decades at PNC Arena but even if you are unable to attend the event, please donate to support our fundraising efforts in celebration of our 15th V Foundation Benefit Autocross.  

We are excited to support the V Foundation for Cancer Research, an organization committed to declaring Victory Over Cancer®. The research the V Foundation funds is critical. By making a donation you will be supporting carefully vetted, cutting-edge research at prominent cancer centers nationwide. Will you join us in the fight against cancer by donating today? 

About the V Foundation for Cancer Research

The V Foundation for Cancer Research was founded in 1993 by ESPN and the late Jim Valvano, legendary North Carolina State University basketball coach and ESPN commentator. The Foundation has funded over $310 million in cancer research grants nationwide. The V Foundation awards 100 percent of direct donations to cancer research and related programs. The V Foundation’s endowment covers administrative expenses. The Foundation awards peer-reviewed grants through a competitive award process strictly supervised by a Scientific Advisory Committee. For more information on the V Foundation, please visit