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Campagne personnelle commanditée par Evan Tyler

1 septembre 2023

Soutenez-moi !

Thank you for visiting my fundraising page! I am excited to support the V Foundation for Cancer Research, an organization committed to declaring Victory Over Cancer®. The research the V Foundation funds is critical. 

This fundraiser is very important to me as both my parents are cancer survivors. After their cancer experiences, I decided that I want make a difference for kids my age to stop childhood cancer.

As part of this campaign, I will be partnering with Krispy Kreme Donuts on a donut selling initiative during the month of September (or Childhood Cancer Awareness Month) with all proceeds going to this fundraiser campaign with the V Foundation for Cancer.

By making a donation you will be supporting carefully vetted, cutting-edge research at prominent cancer centers nationwide. Will you join me in the fight against cancer by donating today? 

About the V Foundation for Cancer Research

The V Foundation for Cancer Research was founded in 1993 by ESPN and the late Jim Valvano, legendary North Carolina State University basketball coach and ESPN commentator. The Foundation has funded over $310 million in cancer research grants nationwide. The V Foundation awards 100 percent of direct donations to cancer research and related programs. The V Foundation’s endowment covers administrative expenses. The Foundation awards peer-reviewed grants through a competitive award process strictly supervised by a Scientific Advisory Committee. For more information on the V Foundation, please visit